Ivory Towers and Green Flowers

Probably a good 60% of my news I get from either The Washington Post or The New York Times. WaPo is my hometown paper after all, and any institution that helped bring down Nixon is a friend of mine. And in addition to being America’s de facto paper of record, the NYT has Paul Krugman who, if I were supreme dictator, would be conscripted into being in charge of the federal reserve indefinitely. But like any journalism outfit that usually does good work, they occasionally crap something out unworthy of even a high school “paper”, much less a preeminent news organization. Recently both papers ran opinion columns on, according to authors Ruth Marcus and David Brooks, the irresponsibility and even danger of marijuana legalization. The two pieces are so complimentary one wonders if Marcus and Brooks cooperated with one another to regurgitate the same lazy arguments that have been peddled countless times. Continue reading